Sunday, February 5, 2012

Module 5 Blog

I believe that I am between both dynamic and static technologies.  This is because many of the technology related tools that I currently use range from both of these categories.  I use many tools from the dynamic category such as blogs, e-mails, and cell phones.  I also use tools such as books, and libraries.  I believe that I can move more towards the dynamic end by continuing to engage in more technology related tools and activities where I can increase my knowledge in the various types of media.  The ability to engage and participate in many different types of media can help me to be a more all around learner and use these tools/skills as I continue to grow.   

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Graphic Organizer

The tools that were chosen for content were online textbooks and educational videos. These tools are used for content because online textbooks are used for classes and educational videos are also used as teaching and instructional tools in the classroom setting.  Under collaboration, wiki, discussion rooms, blogs, e-mail, chat rooms are used.  These tools are used in order to share work and have discussions about classroom assignments and activities.  They are very important tools to use in the online setting for document sharing.  Under communication, cell phones, instant messaging, and video conferencing are used in order to communicate with each other.  Cell phones are used in order to communicate with each other where communication may not be used feasible in regular e-mail.   In some cases, people may need to have actual conversations with each other.  Instant messaging can be used for communication as well as video conferencing where people can visually see each other while they talk to each other. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Blog 3

Participation in an online learning community should be assessed through team evaluations on the team members. Students can assess their peers in online learning (Siemens, 2008).  This can provide the professor with feedback based on what the team members experienced within the group.  Also, if a team member did not perform on assignments or did not put forth much effort, then the results of the team members’ evaluations will show the results.  I also believe that the amount of responses or participation and how the student responds to the questions are helpful in determining the student’s skill level.  Responding to questions through web cam or video also shows the professor the student conducting conversations about discussion questions and sharing with the class.
If a student does not want to participate or collaborate in a learning community, I believe that the other members of the learning community should try to contact the team member and find out if something is wrong that is causing the team member not to participate.  Next team members should continue on with the assignment, but also inform the instructor or professor about what has been going on with the team member who has not participated.   The team members can be assessed based on ability to handle conflicts and strenuous situations without the assistance of the professor.  This would show that the students possess great leadership skills. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012