Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Graphic Organizer

The tools that were chosen for content were online textbooks and educational videos. These tools are used for content because online textbooks are used for classes and educational videos are also used as teaching and instructional tools in the classroom setting.  Under collaboration, wiki, discussion rooms, blogs, e-mail, chat rooms are used.  These tools are used in order to share work and have discussions about classroom assignments and activities.  They are very important tools to use in the online setting for document sharing.  Under communication, cell phones, instant messaging, and video conferencing are used in order to communicate with each other.  Cell phones are used in order to communicate with each other where communication may not be used feasible in regular e-mail.   In some cases, people may need to have actual conversations with each other.  Instant messaging can be used for communication as well as video conferencing where people can visually see each other while they talk to each other. 


  1. I really liked your graphic organizer. It was very easy to read, and I was able to tell which details went with each topic because you color coded them. I did not even think about using cell phones as part of communication when I was completing mine.

  2. I think you did a great job with your graphic organizer. I like how you used different colors to describe each topic. I feel you did a great job giving examples for Content, Communication, and Collabration.

  3. Thanks alot for both the comments. It is amazing about the cell phones though, it seems that this is a device that just about everyone uses today. It makes you wonder what we would do without them.

  4. Shawkins,
    Your graphic organizer is simple and to the point, very nice. Sometimes less is more, I have a habit of thinking you have to have a lot to get a point across, but sometimes just getting the point out and clear is better. Nice Post.
