Sunday, February 5, 2012

Module 5 Blog

I believe that I am between both dynamic and static technologies.  This is because many of the technology related tools that I currently use range from both of these categories.  I use many tools from the dynamic category such as blogs, e-mails, and cell phones.  I also use tools such as books, and libraries.  I believe that I can move more towards the dynamic end by continuing to engage in more technology related tools and activities where I can increase my knowledge in the various types of media.  The ability to engage and participate in many different types of media can help me to be a more all around learner and use these tools/skills as I continue to grow.   


  1. Are you suggesting that dynamic technologies are better than static technologies? I viewed them as a continuum, and that they all had their place. It all depends on what you want to accomplish.

  2. I agree with you, I also believe that each of these technologies have had their place in the technology field. Although they have had their place, the dynamic technologies seem to provide more benefits within the online environment. It is also true that it does depend on what the person is accomplishing and also the type of learner that the person is. Every tool may not fit everyone's learning style or their comfort level of using the technology tool.
